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18th February 2021 – Editorials/Opinions Analyses

Topic The poor state of the Indian state Slow on safety Editorial: The poor state of the Indian state Context: Two new books reveal stark weaknesses of the Indian state in serving India’s poorer citizens. These books explain how the weakness of the Indian state to care for its poorer citizens is not a failure […]

Current Affairs for UPSC IAS Exam – 19 February 2021 | Legacy IAS Academy

Contents Greenpeace Southeast Asia on Impact of Pollution Quad Ministers’ meeting: India on Myanmar Defamation case: SC Verdict builds on Vishaka ruling GREENPEACE SOUTHEAST ASIA ON IMPACT OF POLLUTION Context: Air pollution claimed approximately 54,000 lives in Delhi in 2020, according to a Greenpeace Southeast Asia analysis of cost to the economy due to air […]

PIB 18th February 2021

Contents ‘Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge’: Smart Cities Mission ESIC empanelled Hospitals for ESIC beneficiaries ‘NURTURING NEIGHBOURHOODS CHALLENGE’: SMART CITIES MISSION Context: Under the Smart Cities Mission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) announced 25 cities that were shortlisted for the ‘Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge’ cohort. Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice, Polity and Governance (Government Policies & […]