Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 13 May 2023

Contents: Declining Welfare Expenditures Context: The Union Budget that was tabled recently was criticised by experts over a decline in allocations for welfare schemes in real terms. Relevance: GS Paper-3: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources; Government Budgeting; Science and Technology- Developments and their Applications and Effects in Everyday Life Dimensions of […]
Current Affairs 13 May 2023

Contents: Cyclone Mocha Context: As per the latest forecast from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), cyclone Mocha, currently located in the eastern Bay of Bengal, is likely to be stronger than initially forecast but poses little threat to India Relevance: GS-I: Geography (Physical geography – Climatology, Important Geophysical phenomena), GS-III: Disaster Management Dimensions of […]
Static Quiz 13 May 2023 (Economy)

Current Affairs Quiz 13 May 2023

PIB Summaries 13 May 2023

Contents: SCO India Presidency Focus: GS II: International Relations Why in News? Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare chaired the virtually-held sixth session of the Health Ministers meeting of the Shanghai Corporation Organization (SCO) member states recently. What is the SCO? Member states Main goals Focus areas: Organizational structure of SCO The […]