About Malaviya Mission
Context: The Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship recently launched the Malaviya Mission – Teachers Training Programme by the University Grants Commission at Kaushal Bhawan, New Delhi. Relevance: GS II: Government Policies and Interevntions Dimensions of the Article: About Malaviya Mission: About Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Poona Pact (1932):
Current Affairs Quiz 08 September 2023

Current Affairs 08 September 2023

CONTENTS Heat Index Context: Earlier in August, Iran recorded a scorching heat index of 70 degrees Celsius (°C) in the coastal part of the country, a metric at which survival of life is unfathomable, if not impossible. The country had also declared public holidays on August 2 and 3 on account of “unprecedented heat,” Reuters reported. Relevance: […]
PIB Summaries 08 September 2023

CONTENTS Malaviya Mission Context: The Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship recently launched the Malaviya Mission – Teachers Training Programme by the University Grants Commission at Kaushal Bhawan, New Delhi. Relevance: GS II: Government Policies and Interevntions Dimensions of the Article: About Malaviya Mission: About Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Poona Pact (1932): […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 08 September 2023

CONTENTS: Disappearing Languages, Vanishing Voices Context: English has served as a unifying factor among multilingual Indians since the era of British colonial rule. While English is widely used for communication in urban areas, it can pose challenges in remote rural regions. Regardless of the veracity of the story, the significance of a shared language is […]
Static Quiz 08 September 2023 (Indian Economy)