
Globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing social, economic, political, cultural, and psychological interactions, resulting in increased interconnectedness, integration, and interdependence between diverse entities, such as individuals, multinational corporations (MNCs), and nations, often spanning different countries.

According to Luke Martell, globalization can be defined as “the integration of poor countries into a world economy of open competition.”

Main Body:

Effect on Employment:


  • Creation of Jobs in the Formal Sector: The influx of foreign investment, particularly by MNCs, has spurred the creation of job opportunities in India’s formal sector. This development has been particularly beneficial for women workers who have found increased opportunities in these sectors.
    • Example: The growth of the IT sector in India has led to the employment of a significant number of women in roles ranging from software development to management.
  • Internationalization of Women Workers’ Rights: Globalization has spotlighted workers’ rights, especially those of women, through international organizations like the International Labour Organization and World Trade Organization. This has resulted in the establishment and standardization of various rights such as maternity leave and menstrual leave.
    • Example: India’s adoption of progressive labor policies, influenced by global norms, now includes provisions for extended maternity leave, improving working conditions for women.
  • Strengthening of Workers in the Informal Sector: Globalization has offered opportunities for informal sector workers in India to engage in export and trade activities, benefiting both men and women in these sectors.
    • Example: Cottage industries and artisanal crafts in India have found markets worldwide, providing sustainable livelihoods for numerous artisans, including women.


  • Gender Pay Gap: Despite globalization, reports indicate that the gender pay gap remains persistent, or in some cases, has worsened, highlighting an inequality challenge.
    • Example: Studies have shown that women in India, even in high-skilled professions, continue to earn less than their male counterparts.
  • Loss of Jobs: Intensified global competition and technological innovation have resulted in job losses in certain sectors unable to compete globally, impacting women as well.
    • Example: The decline of certain traditional industries in India, such as handloom weaving, has led to significant job losses, predominantly affecting women weavers.
  • Strain on Traditional Social Structures: Globalization’s focus on urban job opportunities has triggered mass rural-to-urban migration, disrupting traditional family structures and social norms.
    • Example: The migration of men to urban areas in search of jobs has left women responsible for maintaining rural households, impacting gender roles and responsibilities.
  • Migration: The feminization of rural labor has prompted male family members to migrate to urban areas in search of work, leading to family separation and increased vulnerability for women left behind.
    • Example: Families in rural areas of India often experience social and economic strain due to the absence of male breadwinners.
  • Sexual Exploitation: The movement of women workers to distant job locations has made them more vulnerable to sexual exploitation and trafficking.
    • Example: Instances of human trafficking and abuse of female domestic workers in Gulf countries have raised serious concerns.
  • Health Hazards: The competitive and high-pressure work environments, exacerbated by globalization, have led to women’s employment in poorly paid, part-time, and exploitative jobs, affecting their physical and mental health.
    • Example: The garment industry in India is notorious for poor working conditions and inadequate wages, impacting the well-being of female workers.
  • Casualization of Workforce: The informal economy and contract-based jobs have contributed to the casualization of the workforce, particularly affecting women’s job security and benefits.

Effect on Poverty:


  • Improved Living Conditions: Globalization has contributed to improvements in living conditions, especially in countries like India, as measured by broader indicators of well-being.
    • Example: Access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure has expanded in India, contributing to an improved quality of life for many.
  • Poverty Reduction: The expansion of the Indian economy, driven by globalization, has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty. Two primary factors have contributed to this:
    • Example: Export growth, driven by India’s comparative cost advantage, has created numerous jobs, reducing poverty levels.
    • Example: The liberalization of capital flows has increased employment opportunities and investments, further reducing poverty.
  • Economic Growth and Resource Utilization: Globalization has opened up new avenues for investment and the utilization of untapped natural resources and latent energies.


  • Displacement of Industries and Jobs: In the short term, globalization and trade can displace industries and jobs as economies adjust to new growth patterns.
    • Example: The shift from traditional agricultural practices to modern farming techniques has resulted in job losses in rural India.
  • Increased Economic Inequality: Globalization has created opportunities primarily for skilled and wealthy individuals, exacerbating income and wealth inequality.
    • Example: Reports from organizations like Oxfam highlight the growing wealth gap between the rich and poor.
  • Structural Injustice: Policies associated with globalization, such as neoliberalism and structural adjustment, have created significant disparities and injustices in various societies.
    • Example: The Green Revolution in India led to increased agricultural productivity but also resulted in land concentration and income disparities among farmers.
  • Inhumane Working Conditions: Despite poverty reduction, certain industries, such as fast fashion, continue to feature inhumane working conditions, particularly in developing countries.
    • Example: Reports of exploitative labor practices in textile factories in India underscore the challenges of achieving economic viability while maintaining fair working conditions.


While globalization has yielded numerous benefits, it is essential to address its negative impact on women workers through initiatives like skill development, innovation, and the formulation of policies that mitigate risks.

This approach can create a sustainable environment for the holistic development of women workers in the context of India’s evolving globalized economy.

Globalization’s potential to reduce poverty and enhance employment opportunities must be harnessed while concurrently addressing its adverse effects on gender equality, job security, and social structures.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 16, 2023