
Probity, characterized by strong moral principles, honesty, and decency, is a fundamental attribute in governance that plays a pivotal role in ensuring good governance.

Main Body:

Role of Ethical Leadership:

  • Probity in governance is significantly influenced by the moral values and ethical standards upheld by public servants and politicians.
  • Ethical leadership sets a top-down example for others to follow, fostering a culture of integrity and honesty.
  • Example: India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, demonstrated his commitment to probity by taking stringent action against corrupt parliamentarians, despite legal loopholes that could have shielded them.

Code of Conduct:

  • The existence of a code of conduct within organizations defines the expected level and nature of probity.
  • Effective enforcement of such codes is paramount for ensuring probity.
  • Mere existence of a code is insufficient; rigorous enforcement is essential.

Personnel Management and Incentives:

  • Personnel management practices, such as rewards and promotions, can serve as incentives for individuals to adhere to principles of probity.

Demand for Probity:

  • The level of demand for probity from the public is a crucial factor.
  • Transparency initiatives like the Right to Information (RTI) Act have improved probity by empowering citizens to demand accountability.

Institutional Strength:

  • The strength of probity in a society is intricately linked to the strength of its institutions.

Institutional Decay and Its Impact on Probity:

Internal Decay:

  • Internal decay of institutions leads to various problems, including fund mismanagement, compromised ethical norms, and corrupt leadership.
  • This can result in a poor work culture, widespread corruption, and a lack of responsibility among officials.

External Forces of Decay:

  • External forces, such as political interference, bribery, and threats, can also compromise institutional standards.
  • The spoils system, aimed at appointing loyalists, can undermine impartiality and neutrality.

Checks and Balances:

  • Separation of powers and checks and balances, designed to curb deviations from probity, become ineffective in the face of institutional decay.


The erosion of probity directly impacts the delivery of services to citizens, ultimately affecting their standard of living.
Therefore, the decay of public institutions poses a significant threat to the well-being of the population.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 19, 2023