
Human Resource Development (HRD) encompasses crucial aspects such as education, skill development, and healthcare, which collectively form the bedrock of a nation’s growth and prosperity.

In the context of India, the significance of HRD is underscored by the demographic dividend, where a large proportion of the population is of working age, presenting both an opportunity and a challenge.

According to the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) report, higher education enrollment in India stands at a substantial 4.14 crore, underlining the scale of the HRD sector.

It’s essential to note that India allocates approximately 2.9% of its GDP to education and 2.1% to healthcare, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to HRD.

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Reasons for inadequate attention paid to Human Resource Development

Limited Investment:

  • Inadequate budgetary allocations for education and healthcare hinder the development of quality human resources.
  • Low government spending in these areas leads to issues like underfunded schools, insufficient healthcare facilities, and inadequate teacher training.

Lack of Infrastructure & Skilled Workforce:

  • Inadequate infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, affects access to quality education and healthcare.
  • A shortage of skilled healthcare workers and educators leads to disparities in the quality of services provided.

More Focus on Eradicating Hunger and Poverty:

  • India’s focus on poverty alleviation sometimes takes precedence over long-term investments in HRD.
  • The urgent need to address basic needs can overshadow the importance of education and skill development.

Lack of Political Will:

  • Policymakers often prioritize initiatives with shorter gestation periods, while HRD outcomes take time to materialize.
  • Political cycles can discourage sustained investments in education and healthcare.

Measures to Enhance HRD in the Indian Context:

  • Increased Investment in Education and Health: The government should allocate a higher percentage of the GDP to education and healthcare to ensure adequate resources for quality service delivery.
  • National Education Policy 2020: The NEP aims to revamp the education system, providing employable skills and promoting holistic development.
  • Teacher Training: Invest in continuous teacher training programs to improve the quality of education at all levels.
  • Skill Development Programs: Initiatives like PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) should be expanded to bridge skill gaps.
  • Affordable and Accessible Healthcare: Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM JAY) should be promoted to ensure accessible and affordable healthcare for all.
  • Gender Equity and Social Inclusion: Efforts to promote gender equity and social inclusion should be integrated into HRD initiatives to ensure equal opportunities for all.
  • Role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) & Civil Society: Encourage the active involvement of SHGs and civil society in community-level education and healthcare initiatives.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with private sector entities to leverage their resources and expertise in enhancing HRD.
  • Collaborate with International Organizations: India should collaborate with international organizations to learn from global best practices in HRD.
  • Promote Research and Development: Invest in research and development in education and healthcare to drive innovation and excellence.
  • Robust Progress Monitoring Mechanism: Establish mechanisms, similar to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) by Pratham, to monitor the progress and quality of education and healthcare services.


Encouraging data points, such as increased enrollment of vulnerable sections, signal positive trends in HRD.

Alternatively, the need to focus on HRD remains paramount as India is projected to have 986 million people of working age by 2030, emphasizing the significance of harnessing the demographic dividend for the nation’s progress.

To achieve India’s full potential, a dedicated and multi-faceted approach to HRD is imperative, ensuring the holistic development of its human resources for a brighter future.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish October 19, 2023