The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), popularly known as NavIC, is an indigenous regional navigation system created by India to offer precise positioning, navigation, and timing services across India and its neighbouring regions. Here are the rationales behind the necessity of IRNSS and its contributions to navigation:

Reasons for the need of IRNSS:

  • Independence: IRNSS grants India the autonomy to rely on its own navigation system, diminishing the dependence on other nations’ navigation systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS).
  • Security: In adverse situations, access to globally-operated satellite navigation systems controlled by foreign governments cannot be guaranteed. IRNSS ensures a secure navigation system for India during such circumstances.
  • Military Application: The Indian military can employ IRNSS for accurate targeting and positioning, making it valuable for cavalry attacks and precise weapon deployment.

How IRNSS Facilitates Navigation:

  • Accuracy: IRNSS furnishes precise positional data services to users within India and its surrounding regions, with an accuracy of better than 20 meters under all weather conditions.
  • Services: IRNSS offers two types of services, namely the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS), operating on dual frequencies in L5 and S bands.
  • Coverage: IRNSS provides navigation solutions across India and an area extending approximately 1500 km around it. It also encompasses the Indian Ocean, thereby proving beneficial for ships navigating in these waters.
  • Air Traffic Control: IRNSS aids air traffic control and pilots in safely conducting flights and landing aircraft, especially during unfavourable weather conditions.

In conclusion:

IRNSS is indispensable for India as it provides an autonomous and secure navigation system serving both military and civilian purposes. It assists navigation by delivering accurate and precise positional data services, offering multiple service types, and ensuring coverage over India and its surrounding regions.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish January 4, 2024