
Extremism, characterized by the adoption of views that are significantly distant from the mainstream, stands in stark contrast to the ethos of the Civil Services.

This disposition towards extremism can readily result in outcomes like violence, discrimination, and unlawful conduct. The present scenario presents a civil servant grappling with a perplexing predicament, where the alignment of his extreme worldview with his sense of duty becomes a matter of moral dilemma.

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The potential violations of various core values are as follows:

Objectivity: Objectivity denotes the capacity to arrive at decisions devoid of personal beliefs, biases, or preconceptions. This quality is indispensable for rendering impartial judgments.

Example: In situations necessitating scientifically informed decisions, personal inclinations might unconsciously sway his choices.

Political Neutrality: Extreme views may hinder the ability to harmonize with diverse ideologies, leading to tacit alignment with a particular political faction. This influence can affect decision-making in the following ways:

  1. A departure from neutrality might incline him to prioritize laborers at the expense of market interests.
  2. Adhering to a rightist ideology could prompt favoring industrialists, potentially neglecting laborers, environmental concerns, and public welfare. This could inadvertently endorse crony capitalism, transgressing environmental ethics, among others.

Non-Partisanship: Partisanship involves not only affiliating with a political party but also displaying a party-centric demeanor. This susceptibility carries risks such as:

  1. Active support for events and actions of one party over others.
  2. Manipulating decisions in roles like the Election Commission, possibly leading to practices like gerrymandering.
  3. Exploiting his position to garner support for his affiliated party.

Impartiality: Extremist views could impede the capacity to consider multiple facets of a dispute, violating the principles of natural justice.

Example: In the role of a Magistrate, impartiality is imperative for equitable judgments. However, extreme perspectives might lead to biased decisions, favoring one side over the other.

Tolerance: Tolerance involves the ability to accommodate dissenting viewpoints. Intolerance among civil servants can have ramifications including:

  1. Escalating communal tensions rather than mitigating them.
  2. Disregarding the demands of different states, potentially undermining national unity.
  3. Neglecting the rich diversity of India, characterized by myriad languages, religions, and cultural practices.

Integrity: Upholding the foundational values of civil services without compromise is essential for maintaining integrity. Extremist inclinations could erode this integrity when they contradict these values.

Constructive Criticism: Ideal officers should engage in balanced assessment, considering both strengths and weaknesses to arrive at credible decisions.

Example: A Defense Ministry Secretary must evaluate the merits and drawbacks of military action. A neutral, centrist officer would offer an unbiased perspective.

Emotional Intelligence (EI): Extreme viewpoints could markedly undermine EI, making it challenging to regulate emotions. This is particularly problematic when dealing with sensitive matters.

Example: A religious fundamentalist might react impulsively to perceived slights against their faith, hindering their ability to manage situations like communal tensions.


Hence, the adoption of an extremist stance by a civil servant runs counter to the principles of fairness, rationality, and impartiality – principles fundamental to effective public service and the pursuit of the collective welfare.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish August 28, 2023