The United Nations (UN), established 75 years ago, primarily aimed to ensure global peace and security.

Main Body:

Need for UNSC Reforms:

Changing Geopolitical Situation:

  • The current composition of the Security Council reflects an outdated era, with little adaptation to evolving geopolitics.
  • The UNSC’s composition was largely determined in 1945 by wartime victors, giving them “permanent” veto-wielding seats.
    • Example: The dominance of the P5 (Permanent Five) – the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom – highlights this imbalance.

Overdue Reforms:

  • The UNSC expanded only once in 1963, adding 4 non-permanent members, despite the UN’s overall membership increasing from 113 to 193.
    • Example: The lack of expansion to include emerging powers like India, Brazil, or South Africa.

Inequitable Representation:

  • Europe is overrepresented, while Asia is underrepresented in the UNSC.
  • Africa and South America have no representation.
    • Example: India’s absence as a permanent member despite its growing global influence.

Crisis of Legitimacy and Credibility:

  • The stalled reform agenda and controversial interventions in Libya and Syria have raised doubts about the institution’s credibility.
    • Example: The criticism of UNSC actions in these conflicts.

North-South Divide:

  • The composition perpetuates the North-South divide in security decisions.
    • Example: Lack of African permanent representation despite significant UNSC focus on African issues.

Emerging Issues:

  • Global challenges like economic interdependence, environmental degradation, and transnational threats require effective multilateral negotiations.
  • However, crucial decisions remain under the control of the P5.
    • Example: Climate change discussions in the UNSC.

Ineffectiveness in Global Crises:

  • The UN struggled to respond effectively to the unprecedented global crisis posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Example: Delays in international cooperation for vaccine distribution.

Suggested Reforms:

  • Expansion of Permanent Membership:
  • Inclusion of new permanent members to reflect current global power dynamics.
    • Example: Proposals to add India, Brazil, and other emerging powers.

Replacing Veto Power:

  • Shift from veto-based decisions to consensus-based decision-making.
    • Example: Eliminating the veto power that can lead to gridlock.

Enhanced Accountability and Transparency:

  • Make the UNSC more accountable to the UN General Assembly (UNGA).
  • Enforce greater transparency and coherence in its actions.
    • Example: Regular reporting to the UNGA on UNSC decisions and activities.


In conclusion, the imperative for reforming the UNSC is evident in its failure to adapt to changing global dynamics and address contemporary challenges effectively.

These reforms are necessary to restore the council’s credibility and effectiveness in its core mission of maintaining international peace and security.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 5, 2023