
Participatory budgeting involves citizens in determining how public funds are allocated, fostering a sense of civic involvement and trust in governance.

Benefits of Participatory Budgeting:

  • Voice in Civic Governance: Citizens feel empowered and included in decision-making, enhancing their trust in the government.
    • Example: In Kerala, India, the “People’s Plan Campaign” has empowered local communities to allocate a portion of the state budget to grassroots projects.
  • Bottom-Up Approach: It promotes collaboration between citizens, civil society, and government entities, allowing for a more comprehensive perspective in budgeting.
    • Example: In Rajasthan, India, the “Mukhya Mantri Shahari Jan Kalyan Yojana” involves citizens in urban budget planning.
  • Community Ownership: Communities become more responsible for public assets, leading to improved maintenance and upkeep of civic amenities.
    • Example: In Pune, India, participatory budgeting has enabled residents to prioritize local projects like parks and sanitation.
  • Facilitating Equity: Active engagement with communities helps address inequality and allocate resources more fairly.
    • Example: In West Bengal, India, participatory budgeting has been used to allocate funds for social welfare schemes in marginalized areas.
  • Increasing Trust Between Government & People: The process builds transparency and trust between citizens and the government.
    • Example: The “Namma Bengaluru Nanna Koduge” initiative in Karnataka, India, encourages citizen involvement in municipal budgeting.

Challenges Associated:

  • Lack of Clear Guidelines: The absence of clear operational guidelines hampers effective implementation.
  • Limited Budget Information: Inadequate public access to budget accounts hinders citizen participation.
  • Shortage of Trained Staff: A scarcity of trained personnel for implementing participatory budgeting can impede its success.
  • Social Inclusion: Inadequate attention to social inclusion may lead to the dominance of local elites in the participatory process.
  • Lengthy Process: Consultations with multiple stakeholders can be time-consuming, potentially delaying project implementation.
  • Slow Fund Outlays: Excessive delays in fund disbursement can result in underutilization of allocated resources.
  • Local Focus: Overemphasis on local issues may lead to neglect of regional, national, or global concerns.


In conclusion, strengthening participatory budgeting in India requires a clear framework for the budgeting process, adequate training and manpower, and a commitment to ensuring citizen participation.

This will not only enhance governance but also empower citizens to actively shape their communities and foster trust in the government’s ability to serve their needs effectively.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 5, 2023