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Does Blood Money have a legal standing?

What is ‘Blood Money’? Relevance: GS 2(Social Issues) Application in Islamic Nations: ‘Blood Money’ vs. ‘Plea Bargaining’ in India: Impact of ‘Blood Money’ in Islamic and Global Context: ‘Blood Money’ in India: Contemporary Legal Perspectives: Conclusion:

The Under-Representation of Women in the Judiciary

Context: Despite progress at entry levels, women remain significantly under-represented in higher judiciary roles, highlighting systemic barriers and a persistent “funnel effect” that hinders advancement. Relevance: GS 2 (Indian Judiciary, Social Justice ) Practice Question: Discuss the major challenges contributing to the under-representation of women in the Indian judiciary and suggest measures that could improve female […]

 SDG Focus and Its Human Development Issues

Background: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), SDGs aim to tackle pressing global issues like climate change and environmental degradation. Context: In September 2023, India hosted a G20 summit that promoted full and effective implementation of the […]

Private Consultation in Policymaking

Context: The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is reportedly engaging in confidential discussions with the broadcasting and entertainment sectors about the Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023. Although a draft of this Bill was shared publicly last year, the latest versions are being distributed only to a select group of stakeholders, with strict confidentiality measures in place. […]

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Context: Government to provide assistance to construct 3 crore rural and urban houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice (Welfare Schemes, Government Policies and Interventions) Dimensions of the Article: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY- U: Housing for All – Urban) Coverage area The Mission covers the entire urban area consisting of: […]

Supreme Court Reaffirms Promotion is Not a Fundamental Right

Context: The Supreme Court of India has recently reiterated that promotion is not a fundamental right for government servants. The judgement emphasized that the Constitution does not prescribe any criteria for filling promotional posts, leaving this matter to the discretion of the legislature and the executive. Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice and Governance (Government Policies and […]

Unemployment Overseas Jobs is a Viable Solution

Context: Unemployment has emerged as a significant concern in recent times, particularly due to the widening disparity between a country’s economic growth and its ability to generate employment. The most recent Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for 2022-23 has unveiled intriguing trends, resulting in a six-year low unemployment rate of 3.2%. However, despite this decline, the prevailing […]