Structure of the Essay:


You can start the introduction in the following ways:

  • Start with a general introduction/anecdote/an example/a short story/a poem/a quote/a recent event or trend etc which can help in describing the need for self-reliance.
  • This Essay is a quotation by Marx, The interpretation means “Necessity is blind only in so far as it is not understood”. This means any necessity which does not involve the cause behind it, will not breed results.

Thesis Statement:

  • It is a transition statement between the introduction and body of the essay.
  • In the thesis statement, you should write an outline of the body with your own arguments. You should prove these arguments in the body of the essay with relevant examples.

Body of the essay:

Ignorance is not bliss, it is detrimental to mankind

The first men who separated themselves from the animal kingdom were in all essentials as unfree as the animals themselves, but each step forward in the field of culture was a step towards freedom. On the threshold of human history stands the discovery that mechanical motion can be transformed into heat: the production of fire by friction; at the close of the development so far gone through stands the discovery that heat can be transformed into mechanical motion: the steam-engine. — And, in spite of the gigantic liberating revolution in the social world which the steam-engine is carrying through, and which is not yet half completed, it is beyond all doubt that the generation of fire by friction has had an even greater effect on the liberation of mankind.

Idea here is that Human should be aware (conscious) of their existence.

Start with historical perspective

  • Renaissance and the evolution of Natural Rights ( Life, Liberty and Property)
  • Revolutions and evolution of values like Justice, liberty and Equality, Fraternity, Democracy
  • Barter Trade to Capitalism to Socialism to Welfare-ism
  • Indian Freedom Movement- From Swaraj to Poorna Swaraj
  • Social Evils and fight for their emancipation
  • Framing on Indian Constitution and Ensuring Rights
  • the Separate States on Linguistic Pattern
  • Green Revolution as a conscious effort
  • Globalization

After putting these aspects you should move to the other side of the essay i.e. if Necessity exceeds then it breeds Greed, which spoils the breed. (to depict the other side of blindness, unconscious human) We now live in a world in which “to have is to be,” and this happens to be a perfect ground for greed. The compulsion of possession and accumulation leads us to fall into the madness of an unsatisfied need. It can be proven even by the clothes in every wardrobe which has never been worn. The fact that we still long to possess more goods is a source of frustration and breakdown.

The effects of the promoted lifestyle on mental health and social functioning are worth considering. It sometimes appears that the attachment to material goods is a reasonable sign of forethought. Greed has been crossed out from the dictionary and replaced by “thriftiness”, whereas the behaviour formerly considered a sign of greed is nowadays generally accepted. It occurs because it rather recalls harmless parsimony or hedonistic longing for pleasure.

The world is hitting global limits in its use of resources. We are feeling the shocks each day in catastrophic floods, droughts, and storms – and the resulting surge in prices in the marketplace. Our fate now depends on whether we cooperate or fall victim to self-defeating greed. The limits to the global economy are new, resulting from the unprecedented size of the world’s population and the unprecedented spread of economic growth to nearly the entire world. There are now seven billion people on the planet, compared to just three billion a half-century ago.

China’s economy is growing at around 10 per cent annually. India is growing at nearly the same rate. Africa, long the world’s slowest-growing region, is now averaging roughly five per cent annual GDP growth. Overall, the developing countries are growing at around seven per cent a year, and the developed economies at around two per cent, yielding a global average of around 4.5 per cent.

there is another side to the global growth story that we must understand. With the world economy growing at 4-5 per cent annually, it will be on a path to double in size in less than 20 years. Today’s $70 trillion world economy will beat $140 trillion before 2030, and $280 trillion before 2050 if we extrapolate from today’s growth rate.

Our planet will not physically support this exponential economic growth if we let greed take the upper hand. Even today, the weight of the world economy is already crushing nature, rapidly depleting the supplies of fossil-fuel energy resources that nature created over millions of years, while the resulting climate change has led to instabilities in terms of rainfall, temperature, and extreme storms.

On the one hand, there are more mouths to feed, and with greater purchasing power on average. On the other hand, heat waves, droughts, floods, and other disasters induced by climate change are destroying crops and reducing the supplies of grains on world markets. Massive droughts have struck the grain-producing regions of Russia and Ukraine, and enormous floods have hit Brazil and Australia; now, another drought is menacing northern China’s grain belt.

There is something else hidden from view. In many populous parts of the world, including the grain-growing regions of northern India, northern China, and the American Midwest, farmers are tapping into groundwater to irrigate their crops. The great aquifers that supply water for irrigation are being depleted. In some places in India, the water table has been falling by several metres annually in recent years. Some deep wells are approaching the point of exhaustion, with salinity set to rise as ocean water spills into aquifers.


A calamity is inevitable unless we change. And here is where Mahatma Gandhi comes in. If our societies are run according to the greed principle, with the rich doing everything to get richer, the growing resource crisis will lead to a widening divide between the rich and the poor – and quite possibly to an increasingly violent struggle for survival.

If greed dominates, the engine of economic growth will deplete resources, push the poor aside, and drive us into social, political, and economic crises. The alternative is political and social cooperation, both within countries and internationally. There will be enough resources and prosperity to go around if we convert our economies to renewable energy sources, sustainable agricultural practices, and reasonable taxation of the rich. That is a path to shared prosperity.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish June 21, 2023