Introduction: The Crossroads of Customary Morality and Modern Life

  • Begin with a definition of customary morality, understanding it as a longstanding code of conduct or ethical principles shared within a community.
  • Introduce the concept of modern life and its various facets, like contemporary lifestyle changes, advancement in technology, evolving thought processes, etc.
  • Mention how the journey from customary morality to modern life involves significant transformations, requiring people to reassess and sometimes abandon their traditional beliefs and practices.

The Evolution of Morality: From Traditional to Modern

  • Discuss how transitions from rural to urban life have resulted in significant shifts in customary morality.
  • Use the example of changing gender roles, like the increasing participation of women in the workforce, to illustrate how traditional moral principles have been challenged by modern life.
  • Analyze how other factors such as education, economic prosperity, and exposure to global cultures through technology have impacted customary morality.

The Diversity and Conflict within Customary Morality

  • Highlight how customary morality is not uniform but varies significantly across different nations, regions, and even within the same community.
  • Discuss how human history has witnessed conflicts based on these varying moral standards.
  • Introduce the complexity brought in by religious beliefs, noting their influence on morality and the potential for conflict.

The Danger of Discarding Customary Morality

  • Discuss the potential risks and dangers of completely discarding customary morality, such as the potential for harming others and the disruption of societal order.
  • Use the example of weapon use to demonstrate the dire consequences that can arise from abandoning moral principles.
  • Highlight the necessity of adhering to some form of customary morality to ensure a non-harmful existence.

The Role of Customary Morality in Modern Life

  • Discuss the importance of maintaining a balance between customary morality and modern life, stressing that the two are not mutually exclusive.
  • Reflect on the quote by Theodore Roosevelt, “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
  • Discuss how certain elements of customary morality, such as respect for others and ethical behavior, remain relevant and necessary even in modern life.

Conclusion: Reimagining Morality for a Modern World

  • Conclude by emphasizing that while modern life requires an evolution of morality, the essence of customary morality still holds relevance.
  • Suggest that instead of completely discarding customary morality, it should be reimagined and adapted to better suit the needs of modern life.
  • Reinforce the idea that a balanced approach between respecting the old and embracing the new can pave the way for a harmonious, progressive society.


Anonymous Changed status to publish July 23, 2023