
  • The National e-Governance Plan of India has set ambitious goals, including the eradication of corruption.
  • Prime Minister’s assertion that “e-Governance is economical governance” underscores its potential to combat corruption.

Main Body:

Extent of reduction in corruption:

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT):

  • DBT eliminates intermediaries, reducing opportunities for coercive corruption.
  • Example: In the case of welfare programs, DBT directly transfers funds to beneficiaries, eliminating middlemen and ensuring that funds reach the intended recipients.

Mandatory Digital Payments (GST):

  • The requirement for digital payments, such as under the Goods and Services Tax (GST), minimizes interactions between the public and officials.
  • Example: The shift to digital tax payments reduces the need for in-person dealings with tax authorities, reducing the scope for corrupt practices.

Reduction of Inspector Raj (eBiz):

  • eBiz allows companies and firms to complete legal formalities electronically, reducing opportunities for bribery.
  • Example: Electronic tax compliance and document submission reduce the need for businesses to engage with corrupt officials to navigate bureaucratic processes.

Cashless Economy:

  • A cashless economy disrupts the ecosystem conducive to corruption.
  • Example: Electronic transactions leave digital trails, making it harder for corrupt actors to engage in illicit financial activities without detection.

Government-e-Marketplace (GeM):

  • GeM enhances transparency in public procurement.
  • Example: GeM’s online platform for government procurement ensures competitive pricing and reduces the scope for corruption in government contracts.

Nepotism in Sale of Natural Resources:

  • E-auctions for the allocation of natural resources, like the 2G spectrum, reduce the likelihood of nepotism.
  • Example: Transparent e-auctions ensure that valuable resources are allocated to the highest bidder, reducing opportunities for corruption.

Missing links:

Low Financial and Digital Literacy:

  • Limited financial and digital literacy may lead people to rely on intermediaries, perpetuating corruption.
  • Example: People lacking digital skills may still need assistance from corrupt officials or middlemen to access their DBT benefits.

Illicit Wealth Beyond Cash:

  • Corruption isn’t limited to cash transactions; illicit wealth can take various forms.
  • Example: Corrupt practices may involve non-monetary assets or complex financial instruments that fall outside the scope of e-Governance.

Uneven Adoption of Cashless Economy:

  • The cashless economy isn’t universally prevalent, particularly in rural areas and among micro and small enterprises.
  • Example: Rural areas may still heavily rely on cash transactions due to limited digital infrastructure and awareness.

Limited Digital Infrastructure:

  • Uneven digital infrastructure hinders the widespread adoption of e-Governance.
  • Example: Internet penetration rates vary across regions, with some areas having limited access to digital services.


  • E-Governance holds immense potential to promote ethical governance and reduce corruption in India.
  • However, addressing challenges like low digital literacy, the diversity of corrupt practices, uneven adoption of cashless systems, and limited digital infrastructure is crucial to fully harness this potential.
  • E-Governance stands as a gateway to ushering in a more transparent and incorruptible era of governance in India.
Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 25, 2023