Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan
Context: Recently, the Prime Minister has bowed to Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan on his birth anniversary. Relevance: GS I- Modern History Dimensions of the Article: About Jayaprakash Narayan Congress Socialist Party of JP Narayan 1939-1979 Total revolution:
Current Affairs Quiz 13 October 2023

Current Affairs 13 October 2023

CONTENTS Global Hunger Index 2023 Context: India ranked 111th out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index 2023, a standing the government termed “erroneous and having malafide intent”. Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice and Governance (Issues related to Hunger and Poverty, Government Policies and Interventions) Dimensions of the Article: About Global Hunger Index (GHI) Highlights […]
PIB Summaries 13 October 2023

CONTENTS Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan Context: Recently, the Prime Minister has bowed to Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan on his birth anniversary. Relevance: GS I- Modern History Dimensions of the Article: About Jayaprakash Narayan Congress Socialist Party of JP Narayan 1939-1979 Total revolution: World Habitat Day Context: In 2023, World Habitat Day (WHD), was celebrated on 2nd October. This annual global observance has come a long […]
Static Quiz 13 October 2023 (Environment)

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 13 October 2023

CONTENTS: India’s Farm Machinery has Global Market Context: The global agricultural sector is grappling with a labor shortage due to urban migration, with India witnessing a decline in farm workers. To address this, there has been a worldwide increase in the use of farming machinery for precise and timely field activities. Relevance: GS3-Agriculture, E-technology in […]