
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, have evolved as versatile tools with applications ranging from surveillance and mapping to the delivery of goods.

However, the misuse of UAVs by adversaries for trafficking drugs, arms, and ammunition poses a significant threat to internal security.

Main Body:
Threats posed by the misuse of UAVs:

  • Stealth and Evasion: UAVs can elude traditional detection methods due to their stealth capabilities.
  • Cross-Border Operations: Adversaries can exploit UAVs for cross-border trafficking, challenging national security.
  • Precise Delivery: UAVs enable precise delivery, reducing the risk of interception during illegal activities.
  • Reduced Risk to Adversaries: The use of UAVs minimizes the risk to adversaries involved in illicit operations.
  • Difficult Surveillance: Traditional surveillance methods struggle to effectively monitor UAV activities, undermining security.
  • Undermining Security: The illicit use of UAVs undermines national security, creating challenges for law enforcement.

Measures to tackle the threat:

  • Soft Kill and Hard Kill: Employing a dual approach, involving blocking communication lines (soft kill) and using Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (hard kill), such as DURGA II.
  • International Collaboration: Initiatives like the India-US iCET collaboration enhance global efforts to combat UAV misuse.
  • D4S Anti-Drone System: Developed by DRDO, the Drone Detect, Deter, and Destroy system offers a technological solution to counter rogue UAVs.
  • Anti-Rogue Drone Technology Committee: An established committee to evaluate emerging drone technologies and countermeasures.
  • New Drone Policy and Rules: Implementing updated policies and rules to regulate UAV usage and prevent misuse.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities in border areas to report and provide intelligence on suspicious UAV activities.


Addressing UAV-related threats necessitates a comprehensive anti-drone strategy, avoiding a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, particularly in the case of swarm drones.

Safeguarding internal security demands a proactive stance, involving a synergistic blend of technology, regulatory frameworks, international collaboration, and intelligence sharing.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish November 11, 2023