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About Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2023

Focus: GS III: Security Challenges

Why in News?

The seventh edition of the bilateral Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2023 (JIMEX 23) hosted by the Indian Navy, is being conducted at/ off Visakhapatnam from 05 -10 July 2023. This edition marks the 11th anniversary of JIMEX, since its inception in 2012.

About JIMEX 23

The exercise aims to enhance cooperation and interoperability between the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) and the Indian Navy.

Indian Navy’s Participation:
  • Indian Navy’s participating assets include INS Delhi (Guided Missile Destroyer), INS Kamorta (Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette), INS Shakti (Fleet Tanker), a submarine, P8I and Dornier maritime patrol aircraft, ship-borne helicopters, and fighter aircraft.
Phases of the Exercise:
  • The exercise will be conducted in two phases: a Harbour Phase and a Sea Phase.
  • During the Harbour Phase in Visakhapatnam, professional, sports, and social interactions will take place.
  • The Sea Phase will focus on joint warfighting skills, interoperability, and multi-discipline operations in the surface, sub-surface, and air domains.
  • JIMEX 23 provides an opportunity for both navies to learn from each other’s best practices.
  • The exercise aims to strengthen operational interactions, mutual cooperation, and reaffirm the shared commitment to maritime security in the region.

February 2025