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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 28 October 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 28 October 2022


  1. ISRO to boost NavIC, widen user base of location system
  2. States should use fiscal space to increase capital spending

ISRO To Boost NavIC, Widen User Base of Location System


  • On the sidelines of the India Space Congress, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) recently revealed plans to extend the reach of NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) beyond India and not just to a limited area around India.
  • ISRO is also working on a number of NavIC enhancements in order to encourage more people to install and use it.


GS Paper 2: Science and technology

Mains question

How can floods in India be transformed into a sustainable source of irrigation and all-weather inland navigation? (250 words)

Click Here to Read More: ISRO To Boost NavIC, Widen User Base of Location System

States Should Use Fiscal Space To Increase Capital Spending


According to a study by ratings firm ICRA, 13 major states have a massive fiscal space of Rs 7.4 lakh crore for capital spending in the current fiscal, which is 81% higher than the previous fiscal. These may also be eligible for the Centre’s interest-free loan for 50 years to invest in capacity expansion in their respective states.


General Studies-I & 2: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.

Mains Question

How have the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission of India enabled the states to improve their fiscal position? (150 Words)

Click Here To Read More: States Should Use Fiscal Space To Increase Capital Spending

February 2025