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PIB Summaries 12 January 2023


  1. National Level Multistate Cooperative Export Society
  2. Nickel alloy coating

National Level Multistate Cooperative Export Society

Focus: GS III: Indian Economy

Why in News?

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the setting up and promotion of a National Level multistate cooperative export society under the Multi State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002.

About National Level Multistate Cooperative Export Society

  • The proposed society aims to provide thrust to exports from the cooperative sector by acting as an umbrella organization for carrying out and promoting exports.
  • This will help unlock the export potential of Indian cooperatives in global markets.


  • The proposed society will also help cooperatives in getting benefits of various export-related schemes and policies of different Ministries of Government of India in a focused manner through the ‘Whole of Government Approach’.
  • Members would benefit both by realizing better prices through export of their goods and services and also by dividends distributed out of the surplus generated by the society.
  • Increased exports through the proposed society will increase production of goods and services by the cooperatives at various levels thus leading to more employment in the cooperative sector.

Click Here To Read More: National Level Multistate Cooperative Export Society

Nickel Alloy Coating

Focus: GS III: Science and Technology

Why in News?

New technique of corrosion-resistant nickel alloy coatings can replace toxic chrome plating

About the technique:

  • Scientists at the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) have developed a lab-scale process for the deposit of novel nanostructured Nickel alloy coatings.
  • The process can be used as a replacement for environmentally toxic chrome coatings and is suitable for high-performance materials in engineering applications, specifically in the plastic ware industry.
  • The process uses a pulsed current electroplating, which is environmentally benign with high production capacity.
  • The team used electric current in the form of pulses of a few milliseconds for electroplating purposes.
  • The process consists of an environment-friendly electrolyte consisting of nickel and tungsten ions that is the source of strengthening elemental tungsten (W) and nickel (Ni).
  • The pulsed current is applied between the components to be coated, acting as a cathode and a non-consumable anode.
  • The pulsed current effect results in nano-crystalline coatings with high hardness (700-1200 HV) and wear resistance.
  • The coatings are virtually porosity free, crack-free with minimal hydrogen uptake.
  • The coatings are extremely corrosion-resistant and can withstand up to 700 hrs of salt spray.
  • The coatings can withstand temperatures up to 500°C without thermal softening and can improve the life of die components by at least two times compared to conventional chrome plating.


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