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For Enquiry

Does Urbanization Lead To More Segregation and/or Marginalization Of The Poor in Indian Metropolises?

Urbanization in Indian metropolises has been a double-edged sword. On one hand, cities have become hubs of economic activity and opportunity. On the other, rapid and often unplanned urbanization has led to increased segregation and marginalization of the poor. The following points elucidate this further:

  1. Slums and Informal Settlements: Cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata have seen a proliferation of slums. As per the 2011 Census, about 17.4% of urban Indian households lived in slums. These areas, characterized by inadequate infrastructure and poor living conditions, symbolize the spatial segregation of the poor.
  2. Gated Communities: The rise of gated communities and high-rise apartments caters to the middle and upper classes. Such communities often physically and socially segregate the affluent from the rest of the urban fabric.
  3. Limited Access to Services: The urban poor often have limited access to basic services like clean water, sanitation, and health facilities. This further marginalizes them and impacts their health and well-being.
  4. Inadequate Housing: The poor are often pushed to the peripheries due to skyrocketing land prices in city centers, leading to longer commutes and decreased accessibility to jobs.
  5. Employment Marginalization: Many among the urban poor are employed in the informal sector without any job security, health benefits, or proper wages.
  6. Evictions and Displacements: Large infrastructure projects and beautification drives in cities sometimes lead to the eviction of slum dwellers without adequate compensation or rehabilitation.
  7. Social Discrimination: The poor, often migrants from rural areas or smaller towns, face discrimination based on their regional, linguistic, or caste backgrounds.
  8. Crime and Vulnerability: Overcrowded and underserved areas become hotspots for crime, further marginalizing the poor and making them vulnerable.
  9. Environmental Hazards: The poor are often settled in areas prone to environmental hazards, be it along polluted water bodies or areas susceptible to flooding.
  10. Policy Gaps: While schemes like ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’ aim to provide housing for all, the gap between policy design and implementation often hinders their effectiveness.

In conclusion, while urbanization offers opportunities, its current trajectory in many Indian metropolises has unfortunately amplified the segregation and marginalization of the poor. Balancing urban growth with inclusivity remains a significant challenge that necessitates comprehensive urban planning and policy intervention.

February 2025