- A La Nina system has formed for the second year in a row, according to the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- Two La Ninas happening one after the other (with a transition through ENSO neutral conditions in between) is not uncommon. It is usually referred to as a ‘double-dip’.
GS-I: Geography (Climatology, Important Geophysical Phenomena), GS-III: Environment and Ecology (Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Impact of Climate Change)
Dimensions of the Article:
- La Nina and El Nino and ENSO
- About the current Double-Dip La Nina
Click Here to read about La Nina and El Nino and ENSO

About the current Double-Dip La Nina
- La Nina is one part of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, which is characterized by opposing warm and cool phases of oceanic and atmospheric conditions in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Consecutive La Ninas following a transition through ENSO neutral conditions are referred to as a “Double-Dip.”
- Previous La Ninas occurred during the winter of 2020-2021 and 2017-2018, and an El Nino developed in 2018-2019. When neither climate pattern is present, ENSO is neutral and does not influence global climate patterns.
- The Current Double Dip: In 2020, La Nina developed during the month of August and then dissipated in April 2021 as ENSO-neutral conditions returned. For the upcoming winter season, which extends from December 2021 through February 2022, there is an 87% chance of La Nina.
-Source: Down to Earth Magazine