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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 30 January 2025

  1. Broken Promises in a Warming World
  2. Bridge the Milk Divide for a Nutritionally Secure India
  3. Stifling Demand

Context : U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

  • The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement under Trump was a significant blow to global climate action.
  • The U.S., responsible for over one-fifth of cumulative COemissions since the pre-industrial era, has consistently failed to meet its climate obligations.
  • Under the UNFCCC, the U.S. was expected to lead in climate action, providing financial and technological support to developing countries.

Relevance: GS 2(international Relations)

Practice Question : The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement exemplifies the larger issue of developed countries evading their climate responsibilities. Discuss the implications of such actions for developing nations and suggest strategic responses. (250 words)

History of U.S. Climate Commitments:

  • Kyoto Protocol (1997): The U.S. Congress (bipartisan) ensured non-participation.
  • 2005-2015 Emissions Trends: U.S. emissions declined, but at a slow pace, failing to meet global needs.
  • Copenhagen Summit (2009) & Paris Agreement (2015): Shifted from binding commitments to voluntary pledges to accommodate U.S. politics.
  • Biden Administrations Record:
    • Became the largest crude oil producer.
    • Failed to push ambitious climate finance ($300 billion from COP29 was minimal).
    • Emissions target (60% reduction below 2005 levels by 2035) was insufficient.

Consequences of U.S. Withdrawal

  • For Developed Countries: Weak commitments continue, creating a “burden-shifting” model.
  • For Developing Countries: Increased pressure for early decarbonization, leading to economic hardships.
  • For Global Climate Policy: Setbacks in securing adequate climate finance, technology transfers, and support for adaptation strategies.

Market-Based Approach: A Failure

  • U.S. and EU still rely on fossil fuels (80% and 70% of energy use, respectively), indicating market mechanisms have failed.
  • Private sector-led climate solutions have resulted in weak commitments and lack of accountability.
  • Developed nations public sector has little role, unlike developing countries where state-driven policies ensure accountability.

The Myth of Sub-National Climate Action

  • Some argue that U.S. states, corporations, and local communities will offset national inaction.
  • Reality: University of Colorado study (2024) found most U.S. states and local governments adopt “emissions inactionpolicies.
  • IPCC reports have largely ignored climate denialism in the U.S., showing a lack of accountability.

Implications for Developing Nations

  • Strategic Response Required:
    • Recognize that developing countries cannot bridge the emissions gap left by U.S. withdrawal.
    • Expect rhetoric rather than substantive action from other developed nations.
  • Avoid Falling for Unfair Climate Burdens:
    • The Paris Agreement’s rulebook was finalized under Trumps first term, subtly shifting responsibility to the Global South.
    • The U.S. may still remain in negotiations, demanding greater commitments from the Global South.
  • Multilateralism is Key:
    • Developing nations should not abandon multilateral platforms despite U.S. withdrawal.
    • The fight for climate justice must continue while prioritizing adaptation and development.

The Path Forward

  • A just, equitable, and effective climate action framework requires:
    • Political will from all nations.
    • Pressure on the U.S. to commit to meaningful climate action.
    • Strengthening of South-South cooperation in climate adaptation and mitigation.


  • India is the world’s largest milk producer due to the White Revolution initiated by Verghese Kurien.
  • Despite this, milk consumption remains highly unequal across income, regional, and social groups.
  • Addressing these disparities is critical for improving health and nutrition, particularly for vulnerable populations.

Relevance:  GS Paper 2 (Governance, Health), GS Paper 3 ( Agriculture, Economy)

Practice Question :India has achieved self-sufficiency in milk production, yet undernutrition persists among marginalized communities. Analyze the reasons behind this paradox and suggest targeted interventions. (15 marks, 250 words)

Consumption Disparities

  • Income Divide:
    • Top-income households consume 3-4 times more milk per capita than the lowest-income households.
    • The poorest 30% of households consume only 18% of Indias total milk.
  • Urban-Rural Divide:
    • Urban households consume ~30% more milk per capita than rural ones.
    • Most milk is produced in rural India, but consumption is lower due to affordability issues.
  • Social & Regional Disparities:
    • Scheduled Tribes consume 4 litres less milk per capita than general category households.
    • High-consumption states: Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana (333g-421g per capita daily).
    • Low-consumption states: Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal (75g-171g per capita daily).

Focus on Vulnerable Groups

  • Affordability Issue:
    • Recommended intake: 300g per capita daily.
    • Achieving this requires 70% of households to spend 10%-30% of their monthly income on milk.
  • Health Concerns:
    • Affluent groups overconsume milk-based high-fat, high-sugar products (ice cream, sweets), leading to obesity and lifestyle diseases.
    • Undernutrition in vulnerable groups contrasts with overnutrition in wealthier segments.

Policy Recommendations

Enhancing Milk Provision for Vulnerable Groups

  • Expand POSHAN Abhiyaan, ICDS meals, and take-home rations to include milk.
    • Financial boost for these schemes via:
      • Social bonds, CSR funds, and cess on unhealthy foods.
    • State examples:
      • Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Telangana provide milk but in inadequate amounts.
      • Chhattisgarh discontinued provisions due to financial constraints.

Milk Coupons & Market Access

  • Implement milk coupon systems in areas with strong dairy networks.
    • Benefits:
      • Lower distribution costs
      • Boost local dairy markets

Nutrition Awareness & Behavioural Change

  • Target women via Anganwadi centres, doctors, self-help groups, civil society.
    • Maharashtra, Bihar lead in grassroots nutrition awareness (e.g., Poshan Maah 2024).
    • Research: Better maternal nutrition awareness improves household dietary diversity.

Regulating Overconsumption Among the Affluent

  • Promote balanced diets through partnerships with doctors, influencers, and media.
    • Learn from the UK’s Change4Life Sugar Swaps campaign:
      • Reduce high-fat, high-sugar dairy consumption.
      • Ensure better milk affordability for lower-income groups.


  • Equitable milk access is essential for nutrition security and public health.
  • Addressing undernutrition in the poor and overconsumption in the affluent aligns with Verghese Kurien’s vision of a nutritionally secure India.


  • MGNREGS, a demand-driven rural employment scheme, has been a lifeline for rural workers for nearly 20 years.
  • It has thrived across political regimes, proving its utility and popularity despite facing funding challenges.
  • Recent budgetary cuts and delayed wage payments threaten its effectiveness and impact.

Relevance : GS Paper 2 (Governance), GS Paper 3 ( Economy)

Practice Question : Critically evaluate the impact of declining budget allocations and wage delays on the implementation of MGNREGS. Suggest reforms to improve the scheme’s effectiveness. (15 marks, 250 words)

Funding Constraints & Artificial Demand Suppression

  • Declining Budget Allocation:
    • MGNREGS budget shrunk from 3.2% of GDP (FY21) to 1.78% (FY25 BE).
    • No additional allocation in FY25, despite past trends of increased funding when demand rises.
  • Wage Delays & Financial Liabilities:
    • Rural Development Ministry short of 4,315 crore for wages.
    • Centre’s ₹5,715 crore liability for material component remains unpaid.
    • Delayed payments suppress demand artificially, as workers hesitate to enroll.

Key Challenges in Implementation

  • Wages Not Adjusted for Inflation:
    • Real wages are declining due to rising costs of living.
    • Need for inflation-indexed wage revision.
  • Aadhaar-Based Payment Issues:
    • Job card seeding with Aadhaar has led to exclusion errors.
    • Connectivity and verification issues hinder timely wage disbursal.
  • Impact on Rural Livelihoods:
    • MGNREGS helps stabilize incomes during agricultural off-seasons.
    • Creates village assets like irrigation canals, rural roads, and water conservation structures.
    • Boosts rural disposable income, stimulating local economies.

Policy Recommendations

Increase Budget Allocation:

  • Fund the scheme in line with actual demand to prevent wage delays.
    • Ensure timely additional funding when demand surges.

Wage & Payment Reforms:

  • Implement inflation-linked wage hikes.
    • Fix Aadhaar-based payment glitches to avoid exclusion of workers.

Strengthening Transparency & Accountability:

  • Real-time monitoring of fund releases and payments.
    • Empower local governance for better implementation.


  • MGNREGS remains crucial for rural employment and poverty alleviation.
  • The government must prioritize funding and eliminate delays to uphold its effectiveness.

February 2025