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PIB – 10 November 2021





Focus: GS III- Science and Technology

Why in News?

The Indian Army has inked a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-Informatics (BISAG-N), Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

  • This MoU will facilitate exchange of knowledge and collaboration in the fields emerging technologies for development of GIS and IT based Enterprise Resource Planning Software, Training Content, Telecasting of Audio-Visual Content under a holistic partnership for projects which have the prior approval of Army Management Studies Board (AMSB).
  • The MOU will leverage the relative advantage of BISAG-N to support training and evolving innovative solutions to boost operational capabilities of the Indian Armed Forces.


  • It is an Autonomous Scientific Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 under the MeitY, Government of India.
  • To undertake technology development & management, research & development, facilitate National & International cooperation, capacity building and support technology transfer & entrepreneurship development in area of geo-spatial technology.
  • BISAG has three main domain areas: Satellite Communication, Geo-informatics and Geo-spatial technology.
  • To develop and integrate various technologies such as Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Photogrammetry, Cartography, GIS, GNSS, AI, Mobile app, Data bases, ERP, MIS, Web etc. in modular environment.
  • To Create and organize authenticated, compatible, standardized, large scale, Multipurpose Geo-spatial data bases in collaboration with Government Ministries, National/State organizations and agencies.
  • To design databases with horizontal and vertical linkages for efficient use in decision making, analysis and planning.
  • To develop and Institutionalize Geo-spatial applications/solutions as per the definition of the stake holders under their ownership.
  • To integrate Governance processes in an integrated technology based system to provide holistic solution as per regulations/guidelines etc.
  • To establish upgrade and maintained and operational TV broadcast and Satellite based communication as National facility for education, capacity building, empowerment, training, skill development etc.
  • To achieve excellence in emerging technologies such as AI, Big-data Analysis, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain etc. through advance Research & Development.
  • To develop and promote the culture of a market to encourage and nurture industry oriented design and development.
  • To purchase, lease, hire, exchange or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property and the sell, lease, dispose off, exchange, invest and deal with bonds money, Securities and all kind of movable or immovable properties for all or any of the objectives for which the Society is established.
  • To levy and receive money in connection with the activities of the Society including grants/loans as and when received from Government or from other authorized sources.
  • All the income, earnings, movable, immovable properties of the Society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objective only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits, or in any manner whatsoever to the present Members of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present Members. No member of the Society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Society or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his membership.
  • The Society will be a non-profit making Society & any excess of income over expenditure would form a Corpus fund, which would be utilized in furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
  • To do all other such activities which are incidental/ancillary for achieving the above objectives of the Society.


Focus: GS III- Science and Technology

Why in News?

The Department of Science & Technology (DST) has selected 17 scientists for the Swarna Jayanti fellowship.

  • They were awarded for their innovative research ideas and the potential of creating an impact on Research and development (R&D) in different disciplines, the Science and Technology Ministry.

About  Swarna Jayanti fellowship:

  • The Swarna Jayanti Fellowships scheme was instituted by the Government of India to commemorate India’s fiftieth year of Independence (1997).
  • It provides special assistance and support to a selected number of young scientists with a proven track record to enable them to pursue basic research in frontier areas of science and technology.
  • The award consists of a Fellowship of Rs. 25000 per month in addition to the salary drawn from the parent Institute along with a Research Grant of Rs. 5 lakh per annum by Department of Science and Technology (DST) for a period of 5 years.
  • In addition to fellowship, grants for equipment, computational facilities, consumables, contingencies, national and international travel, and other special requirements, if any, are covered based on merit.
  • The fellowships are scientist specific and not institution-specific, very selective, and have close academic monitoring.
  • Scientists selected for the award are allowed to pursue unfettered research with freedom and flexibility in terms of expenditure as approved in the research plan.
  • The project should contain innovative research ideas and it should have a potential of making an impact on R&D in the discipline.
  • The projects submitted by the selected Fellows are considered for funding by the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) as per SERB norms.
    • SERB is a statutory body under the Department of Science and Technology, established by an Act of the Parliament of India in 2009.
February 2025