- Dak Karmayogi
- PV Narasimha Rao
- Pay Roll Automation for Disbursement of Monthly Allowances (PADMA)
Dak Karmayogi
Focus: GS II- Government Policies and Interventions
Why in News?
‘Dak Karmayogi’ , an e-learning portal of the Department of Posts was launched by, Minister of Communications, Railways, Electronics & IT, and Minister of State for Communications, at a function held at Stein Auditorium, Indian Habitat Centre.
About Dak Karmayogi
- This portal has been developed ‘In-House’ under vision of ‘Mission Karmayogi’, which was conceptualized by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi with a view to bring efficiency in actions of all the employees of Government of India and transforming efficiency of bureaucracy with ‘Minimum Government’ and ‘Maximum Governance’.
- On successful completion of final summative assessment, a system generated course completion certificate will be sent on trainee’s registered email ID automatically.
- Trainees can give their feedback, ratings and suggestions for each and every video and other learning content so that necessary enrichment can be ensured.
- Department of Posts has been imparting training to its employees through its network of 10 Postal Training Centres/Regional Training Centre and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy (RAKNPA), a Central Training Institute.
- To recognise the good performance of employees of Department of Posts and motivate them to maintain or improve their good work, Meghdoot Awards were also conferred in eight different categories by Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology and Minister of State for Communications during the event.
- It will enhance the competencies of about 4 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks & Departmental employees by enabling the trainees to access the uniform standardized training content online or in blended campus mode to enable them to effectively deliver a number of G2C services for enhanced customer satisfaction.
- However, with the launch of this portal, Departmental employees and Gramin Dak Sevaks will be able to avail training ‘Any-time, Any-where’ and upgrade their Attitude, Skill and Knowledge (ASK), as per their convenience.
- The portal is expected to go a long way in being an enabler in providing better services by upgrading employees and Gramin Dak Sevaks.
PV Narasimha Rao
Focus: Facts for prelims
Why in News?
The Prime Minister has paid tribute to former Prime Minister, Shri PV Narasimha Rao Ji on his 101th birth anniversary.
About PV Narasimha Rao:

- PV Narasimha Rao was born on 28th June 1921 in erstwhile Nizam’s Hyderabad state.
- He was a freedom fighter, academician, and literary figure.
- His term as the Prime Minister of India was 1991-1996.
- He was born to a farmer’s family in Lanepalli (Telangana’s Warangal District.)
- He was a pioneer of all rural economies and rural welfare.
- The sectors where he made initiatives to bring development are (but not limited to):
- Clean Water
- Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
- Primary health care
- Primary Education sector
- Empowerment of Artisans
- Animal Husbandry and Poultry
- Small Industries
- Khadi and Village Industries
- Textiles, etc.
- He is also called as the pioneer of inclusive growth.
During his Tenure:
- The fund to implement schemes for rural development was increased to Rs.30000 crores in the 8th Five Year Plan, from Rs. 7000 crore in Seventh Five Year Plan.
- The foreign exchange had increased 15 fold in 1996. It was Rs. 3000 crores in 1991.
- With his economic reforms, the GDP hovered around 7-7.5 percent.
- He published ‘SahasraPhan’, a Hindi translation of the famous Telugu Novel ‘Veyi Padagalu’.
- He sought to dismantle the restrictions imposed under the license raj, reduce red tape and make Indian industries more competitive.
- He is known for bringing the policy of economic liberalisation in India.
- The economic liberalisation in India is referred to the liberalisation of the country’s economic policies.
- It was initiated in 1991 with the goal of making the economy more market- and service-oriented, and expanding the role of private and foreign investment.
- In terms of foreign policy, he established diplomatic relations with Israel.
- The Look East Policy of India was also initiated during his tenure.
- He is also known for reversing decades of unfriendly relations between India and the United States by bringing them together.
- The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments Act empowering local bodies were enacted during his tenure.
Pay Roll Automation for Disbursement of Monthly Allowances (PADMA)
Focus: Facts for Prelims
Why in News?
Recently, Pay Roll Automation for Disbursement of Monthly Allowances (PADMA), an automated Pay & Allowances module for the Indian Coast Guard was inaugurated by Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA), Ministry of Defence.
About Pay Roll Automation for Disbursement of Monthly Allowances:
- PADMA is an automated platform leveraging latest technology which will provide seamless and timely disbursal of Pay & Allowances to around 15,000 Indian Coast Guard personnel.
- This module has been developed under the aegis of Defense Accounts Department and will be operated by Pay Accounts Office Coast Guard, Noida.
- The launch marked the beginning of the Centralized Pay System (CPS), the foundation of which is being laid down by the Defence Accounts Department Headquarters to provide one stop pay accounting solutions for all organisations under the Ministry.
- The CGDA emphasized that the Government has campaigned for Digital India to ensure dedicated services and reduce manual intervention at every level & to promote E-Governance in a big way.
- Launch of PADMA will strengthen the Digital India concept.
- Also, it is an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative as the entire module has been designed and developed by Indian entrepreneurs assisted by domain experts.